Saturday, March 17, 2007

Giant Fabric Sale in Lebanon Oregon

ST. MARTINS EPISCOPL CHURCH, LEBANON OREGON... The following story was is the March Snippets, the Santiam Scrappers Quilt Guild Newsletter.
Fabric (and related items) Sale! Even though Sharon Reece’s recent eye surgery has improved her sight signifi cantly, she is still determined to reduce her stash and sewing paraphernalia by offering up lots of good stuff for sale at half price. Our meeting room at the church will house the event on March 17th. (And remember: we are ALL Irish on St Paddy’s Day!)

Some of the items she will be selling: Fabric (she and Rusty bundled over 1000 fat quarters!), books, patterns, lots of sewing accessories, a John Flynn frame, a Q-snap Floor Frame with tilt legs, a good quality lap hoop, and a rug hooking stand. I am still trying to get past the 1000 fat quarters!
Setting out all the fabric was a lot of fun tonight. "Where did she store all this fabric and stuff?" was a question we heard over and over again. Her home is a small mobile home in the Lacomb hills. Sharon's small dog LEO was even going crazy tonight because he had so much room to run around once all the totes were loaded into the truck!

The church is at the corner of Grove and Milton streets.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Where have all the days gone

LEBANON OREGON....Can't believe it's been so long since I posted to this blog. What have I been doing all this time? Well, Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went in the usual rush to get everything cleaned, purchased, made, wrapped, cooked and mailed. I didn't get many Christmas cards out but I did make and finish a quilt for one of my granddaughters. She was the last of the grandkids to get a quilt other than the ones I made each of them when they were born.

Since the first of the year I have trying to lose some weight but today I sabotaged myself by going on a sugar binge! Now I must get back on track. I feel so much better when I stay off sugar!

I've also been on a kick to declutter this house. Have been throwing stuff away or taking it to the Goodwill. I joined Fly last year and her system and emails have helped me set up some routines, get rid of some of the clutter, and began to put our home and life in order. I still have a long way to go but I know I can do it one step at a time. Check out her web site at