Monday, October 22, 2007

2007 Quilt Show Over, Countdown to Christmas Begins

Great new quilt show needs more planning, more publicity

LEBANON, OREGON, October 22, 2007...Its a relief to have the 2007 Santiam Scrappers Quilt Show behind us.
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Bigger Show But Less People
But I was really disappointed at the turnout. We had so many beautiful quilts and only about half of our usual attendance (never very good any year). But those who did attend really enjoyed seeing the quilts! We have some really talented people in our guild!

New Location Needs More Planning
We were at a new location this year and it seemed to take forever to figure out how to display everything to the best advantage. But it all came together and only took us over 5 hours. I am so grateful that so many members showed up to help. It made such a difference to have enough room to properly hang the quilts.

Guild Needs Publicist Promoting Guild Shows, Events
We now hold enough sizable events and activities that we need to add a publicist to our board. It should be someone with a liking and a talent for writing.
