frostysticher is an important Alaskan
IN THE ALASKAN AIRWAVES... Dawn, frostysticher, is a busy woman. In addition to all her other activities, she is not able to post much on this blog because she is talking.
On April 8, an Alaska senate committee took comments from 174 Alaskans. The committee was working on the following bill...
Go Dawn Go!
On April 8, an Alaska senate committee took comments from 174 Alaskans. The committee was working on the following bill...
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 365(FIN) am(brf sup maj fld)At 1:47:22 PM, Dawn had her say...
"An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government, for certain programs, and to capitalize funds; making appropriations for state aid to public schools, centralized correspondence study, and transportation of pupils; and providing for an effective date."
"DAWN GROSSMAN, Member, Alaska State Community Service Commission, testified via teleconference from an offnet location in Delta Junction to request additional funding for use in its grants and services. The Commission serves the AmeriCorp and other volunteer organizations. She gave examples of services the Commission supports, including litter clean up."During the years we have known Dawn, she does much more than talk. She is a day school teacher, a homeschooler, a missionary, a fair manager, a quilter, an official weather observer, does gardening, drives to rescue her silly friends, cares for her grandson, travels from the high Arctic to Hollywood, raises ducks, dogs, weasels, and a few other activities.
Go Dawn Go!