Friday, May 12, 2006

Wednesday Gals is an unrecognized subgroup

LEBANON, OREGON... Although the Santiam Scrappers are a guild of friendly ladies, sometimes there are some rather small-minded folks involved.

At a recent guild board meeting, (Tuesday evening, May 9), Peggy and others were told the guild did not have subgroups such as Wednesday Women or Gals.

Who are Wednesday's Gals? Are they defacto a subgroup of the Santiam Quilters Quilt Guild?

Small quilt silent auctions are a prime money raiser for the Santiam Scrappers Guild. Cash raised is used for quilt education for children and adults. Such projects include activities for 4-H and at the Linn County Fair. Another big use of the cash is to support the guild's "community support" program.

Each Wednesday a group of six to over a dozen guild members work to make quilts to donate to folks in need (community service). In addition to these Wednesday Gals working in Peggy's ACQC-basement space, other Wednesday Gals work at home to make community support quilts.

In 2005 the guild made and shared 143 quilts. These quilts brought smiles and warmth to people in need throughout the area. See the "Press Release" post on May 9, 2006, for a list of groups supported with guild quilts.

Not being a quilter, who am I to say? However, many quilt guilds do seem to have subgroups. Those "Baltimore album quilt" quilters or "cat block" quilters, or "satellites" found in local Oregon guilds, they're subgroups of quilters. Sometime they're "Bees".

Across the river, in Benton County, Mary's River Quilt Guild Web site states, "Various subgroups also meet during the month according to their particular interests in quilting." From the newsletter, it appears an active subgroups is the "Secret Sisters".

To the south, Emerald Valley Quilters (Eugene) have "satellite groups". On the EVQ Web site they write… "Numerous small "satellite groups" have spun off from EVQ. Close camaraderie develops in these small groups and mentoring is a great benefit for members."

They continue, "A Satellite Group often begins with two or more quilters who live fairly near to each other or who can meet at a mutually convenient time. Sometimes a group forms of quilters of similar ages and experience, sometimes a common style of quilting interests folks enough to form a group to learn or practice it. Some groups meet weekly in one member's home, or in a larger location central to most of the members, and some groups meet irregularly."

Among other features of an EVQ satellite group, they could… "regularly or occasionally make quilts for fundraising, community service, or other causes meet to quilt on own projects or on other people's projects," and "gather for one hour at a time - or for two or three hours."

The write-up closes with, "The most important feature members of successful satellites share is their love of quilting."

Kind of describes what I've seen here locally with the Wednesday Women/Gals. They love to share their love of quilting with each other. This love extends through community service quilts to people in need. This Bee loves to share whether they meet every week or work at home on the quilts. The guild and it's extended subgroup gives handmade quilts to make someone's life a bit brighter.

Whether Santiam Scrappers members meet in ACQC's basement or Wednesdays at JoAnn Dutton's, JoAnn Pope's, Arline's, or Claudina's, they are a guild subgroup. If other guild members work on community service quilts at home, it seems they are part of the same community service subgroup.

Wednesday's Women or Wednesday's Gals, they are a neat subgroup.

What are the subgroups, Bees, or satellites in your guild?

(Final Note: When these Wednesday Women meet in our basement... Or even worse... When they have potluck lunch in the B&B dining room... They make it really noisy here where I sit. Got to turn the TV up real loud to hear NBA playoff games!)


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